Latest C100DEV Exam Dumps MongoDB Exam from Training Expert TestKingFree [Q19-Q39]

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Latest C100DEV Exam Dumps MongoDB Exam from Training Expert TestKingFree

Pass MongoDB MongoDB Certified Developer Associate Exam PDF Dumps | Recently Updated 253 Questions

MongoDB C100DEV exam is divided into two parts: a multiple-choice knowledge exam and a hands-on coding exercise. The knowledge exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions that cover topics such as data modeling, querying, and indexing. The coding exercise requires candidates to write code to solve a real-world problem using MongoDB. This exercise tests their ability to apply their knowledge of MongoDB to real-world scenarios.


Q19. Select all true statements regarding to unique indexes in MongoDB.


Q20. Select true statement regarding to the MongoDB Atlas. (select 1)


Q21. Assign typical operational tasks to the Database Administrator.


Q22. Which of the following scenarios is best suited for applying the Attribute Pattern?


Q23. What does IOPS stand for in database terminology?


Q24. Data modeling. You are considering the use of nesting or references in your data model. Documents can grow rapidly. Which option would be more appropriate?


Q25. Select true statements about sorting & indexing performance.


Q26. Select all true statements regarding to $out stage.


Q27. Select all options when you should deploy a MongoDB deployment with security enabled.


Q28. You have the following index in a movies collection: { “title”: 1, “imdb.rating”: -1, “imdb.votes”: -1, “type”: 1 } Can the following query use the given index for both filtering and sorting?
db.movies.find( { “imdb.rating”: 8, “title”: “James Bond” } ).sort( { “imdb.votes”: -1 } )


Q29. Which collection method do you need to use to drop a specific collection?


Q30. Select all true statements regarding to replica sets in MongoDB.


Q31. Select all true statements regarding to pipelines and the Aggregation Framework.


Q32. We have the following index in a movies collection: { title: 1, genres: 1 } We want to insert the following document: { “title”: “The Immigrant”, “year”: 1917, “genres”: [ “Short”, “Comedy”, “Drama” ] } How many index entries will be created?


Q33. The following capped collection is given: db.createCollection(‘latest_news’, {‘capped’: true, ‘size’: 10000, ‘max’: 3}) [ { _id: ObjectId(“61e8007c9b3067e362440a88”), title: ‘COVID records broken again as weekend brings nearly 40K new cases’ }, { _id: ObjectId(“61e800989b3067e362440a89”), title: ‘Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin Face Fresh Round Of Regulatory Scrutiny’ }, { _id: ObjectId(“61e800d19b3067e362440a8a”), title: ‘Where Six Meme Stock Investors Are Now’ } ] What the latest_news collection will look like after the following operation?


Q34. What stages will cause a merge on the primary shard for a database?


Q35. Suppose you have a mobile_games collection with the following document structure: { game: “Fishing Clash”, company: “Ten Square Games”, platforms: [‘Android’, ‘IOS’], … release_USA: ISODate(“2017-04-09T01:00:00+01:00”), release_France: ISODate(“2017-04-09T01:00:00+01:00”), release_Italy: ISODate(“2017-08-17T01:00:00+01:00”), … } Are there any problems with this document structure?


Q36. We have a restaurants collection with the following document structure: { _id: ObjectId(“5eb3d668b31de5d588f42a7d”), address: { building: ‘605’, coord: [ -74.0060152, 40.7372653 ], street: ‘Hudson Street’, zipcode: ‘10014’ }, cuisine: ‘French’, grades: [ { date: ISODate(“2014-06-30T00:00:00.000Z”), grade: ‘A’, score: 10 }, { date: ISODate(“2013-05-20T00:00:00.000Z”), grade: ‘A’, score: 13 }, { date: ISODate(“2012-12-11T00:00:00.000Z”), grade: ‘A’, score: 9 } ], name: ‘La Ripaille Restaurant’ } We need to use Aggregation Framework to calculate the total number of restaurants for top 5 cuisine (sorted in descending order by the number of restaurants). Expected output: [ { _id: ‘American’, total_restaurants: 6183 }, { _id: ‘Chinese’, total_restaurants: 2418 }, { _id: ‘Cafao/Coffee/Tea’, total_restaurants: 1214 }, { _id: ‘Pizza’, total_restaurants: 1163 }, { _id: ‘Italian’, total_restaurants: 1069 } ] Which pipeline should you use?


Q37. Suppose you have a sales collection with the following document structure: { _id: ObjectId(“5bd761dcae323e45a93ccfe8”), saleDate: ISODate(“2015-03-23T21:06:49.506Z”), items: [ { name: ‘printer paper’, tags: [ ‘office’, ‘stationary’ ], price: Decimal128(“40.01”), quantity: 2 } { name: ‘pens’, tags: [ ‘writing’, ‘office’, ‘school’, ‘stationary’ ], price: Decimal128(“56.12”), quantity: 5 }, { name: ‘notepad’, tags: [ ‘office’, ‘writing’, ‘school’ ], price: Decimal128(“18.47”), quantity: 2 } ], storeLocation: ‘Denver’, couponUsed: true, purchaseMethod: ‘Online’ } Which operator should you use to extract all sales documents that have ‘notepad’ name in items field?


Q38. What is a document in MongoDB?


Q39. What does it command do in the mongo shell?


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